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Overview on salary headcount report


The headcount chart provides to the user a quick view of a company's  headcount at any point of time. You can analyze the salary range of your organization by using the Salary overview via the menu path HR ➔ Statistics ➔ Headcount ➔ Salary. The salary range and the salary gap in a job group or a cost center can be seen in this overview. By using this report, it will help you to have a proper plan for your organization in future, especially in monitoring recruitments, budgeting and etc..

Data can be presented in 3 layout options, that is Analysis, Columns, or Pie. For each layout, a user can choose different manners of record grouping. In addition to record grouping, the user can apply filtering, by selecting a range of cost centers or job groups. 

Menu path 

HR ➔ Statistics ➔ Headcount ➔ Salary 


Selection section


You have the choice between three different types of layouts. You can choose from: 
  • Analysis: with this option you can make an analysis of the range of the salaries.
  • Columns: with this option you can print the overview in a graph.
  • Pie: with this option you can print the overview in a pie diagram.

Group by
You can group the overview on cost centre and job group. 

Range section

Cost center
You can print the overview by selecting a range of cost centers or a single cost center. The graph will be printed based on the employees who have been attached to the selected cost centre.

Job group
You can also print the overview based on the job group selection. The employees who are attached to the selected job group will be printed in the overview. 

Type section

If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Employee' will be displayed in the overview.

If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Student' will be displayed in the overview.

If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Contractor' will be displayed in the overview.

If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Temporary' will be displayed in the overview. 

Include section

When you check this field, all employees with the status 'Active' will be displayed in the overview.

When you check this field, all employees with the status 'Inactive' will be displayed in the overview. 

Group section

You can define a range of salary groups that you wish to do the analysis on. Two standards of salary groups are added to the overview with one of the salary group having a property of 'smaller than' the lowest value for the defined salary group and the other salary group with a property of 'larger than' the highest value for the defined salary group. You may refer to the given example in the example section. 


With this button you can print the overview and the overview will be printed in the Excel format.

With this button you can close the application. 


Layout: Analysis

The analysis shows the range of the salaries by cost centre or by job group. The following data are shown:

  • Count: the number of employees that falls within the same group (with regards to same cost center and same salary range)
  • Avg..: the average salary within the this group (with regards to same cost center and same salary range)
  • %: the percentage of the employees which falls in the same salary range, within the same cost centre or job group. 

Layout: Columns

The columns show the total number of employees by salary group. You can view the graph for all the employees or a cost center or job group by selecting them from the 'Cost center' or 'Job group' which is located in the left hand corner of the graph. This option (Cost center or Job group) will be displayed based on the selected group by option from the 'Selection range'. You can also view the graph for a certain salary group by checking or un-checking the salary group from the 'Group' selection which is located at the bottom of the graph. 

Layout: Pie

The pie shows the percentage of the number of employees by salary group. You can view the graph for all the employees or a cost center or job group by selecting them from the 'Cost center' or 'Job group' which is located in the left hand corner of the graph. This option (Cost center or Job group) will be displayed based on the selected group by option from the 'Selection range'. You can also view the graph for a certain salary group by checking or un-checking the salary group from the 'Group' selection which is located at the right side of the graph. 

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 08.793.844
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
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